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Bloodborne Pathogens (BBP) and First Aid

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Bloodborne Pathogens and First Aid helps you prepare to address the health concerns inherent in caring for others and the possible damage the microscopic world can inflict.
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This course consists of the necessary materials and information to protect yourself and those around you from being exposed to blood or blood-containing items that you may come into contact with throughout the course of your job. This training may be required as part of your training for bloodborne pathogens by your employer. In addition, such training is required annually by the Occupational and Safety Health Administration (OSHA). Your employer will provide you with additional training, which will be referred to as an Exposure Control Plan (ECP), on bloodborne pathogens as indicated by your role and responsibilities in your organization. Bloodborne pathogens are basically any germ or organism that resides in an infected person's bloodstream. These pathogens may be transmitted by any substance that may contain blood, including sneeze droplets, urine, feces, seminal fluid, and all other bodily fluids. COURSE OBJECTIVES: • Identify sources of bloodborne pathogens. Understand the risks involved when caring for people where you may come into contact with blood. • Learn how to clean up blood and blood-containing fluids appropriately. Understand the importance of personal protective equipment (PPE) for preventing the transmission of bloodborne pathogens. • Explain how bloodborne pathogens are transmitted. Learn how to avoid exposure to bloodborne pathogens from the use of sharps. • Learn how to respond if exposure does occur. • Create a core sense of responsibility among participants to prevent the future incidence of exposure to bloodborne pathogens. Approximately, every five years, the ILCOR updates the guidelines for CPR and ECC. The content contained herein is based on the most recent ILCOR publications on BBP and will periodically compare previous and revised recommendations for a comprehensive review.

  1. Overview
    1. Course Objectives
  2. Introduction
    1. Why Is Training in Bloodborne Pathogens Required?
    2. What Is an Exposure Control Plan?
    3. What Exactly Are Bloodborne Pathogens?
    4. How to React to Bloodborne Pathogens in the Workplace 
  3. Protect Yourself From Bloodborne Pathogens 
    1. What Does It Mean to Protect Yourself? 
    2. Follow Handwashing Protocols 
    3. Think Before You Drink
    4. Learn to Identify Biohazard Symbols
  4. Act When You Come Into Contact With Blood 
    1. Immediate action is essential for direct exposure to mucus membranes
    2. How Do You Remove Gloves Properly? 
    3. What About Disposal of Sharps? 
  5. Clean up the Mess 
    1. Know What to Do 
    2. Clean up the Area Immediately 
  6. Report Exposure to Blood or Blood-Containing Fluids Immediately 
    1. Who Is Subject to OSHA Regulations? 
  7. First Aid 
    1. First Aid Basics 
    2. Scene Safety 
    3. Handwashing And Personal Protective Gear 
    4. First aid kit 
    5. Self-Assessment For First Aid 
    6. Answers 
  8. Medical Problems 
    1. Breathing Problems 
    2. Allergic Reactions 
    3. Heart Diseases 
    4. Fainting 
    5. Low Blood Sugar In Persons With Diabetes   
    6. Stroke 
    7. Seizures 
    8. Shock 
    9. Self-Assessment For Medical Problems 
    10. Answers 
  9. Traumatic Injuries
    1. Controlling Bleeding
    2. Teeth Injuries 
    3. Nosebleeds 
    4. Punctures And Impaled Objects 
    5. Eye Problems 
    6. Head Injuries 
    7. Spine Injuries 
    8. Bone And Joint Injuries 
    9. Burns And Electrical Injuries 
    10. Self-Assessment For Traumatic Injuries 
    11. Answers 
  10. Environmental Injuries And Illnesses 
    1. Bites And Stings 
    2. Temperature Related Illnesses 
    3. Toxin And Poison Exposure 
    4. Self-Assessment For Environmental Injuries And Illnesses 
    5. Answers 
  11. What’s Next? 
  12. Additional Tools 
    1. Medicode   
    2. CertAlert+   
  13. Bloodborne Pathogens Review Questions
    1. Answers 
  14. Who is the Disque Foundation? 

About the Author

National Health Care Provider Solutions