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Micro Talk: How to Motivate Yourself

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8m 30s
Language:  English
Being motivated is an essential element in achieving success. Having a positive mindset can be the difference. Motivation comes from within and is something that can be developed.
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Being motivated is an essential element in achieving success both a work but more widely in our life. Having a positive mindset can be the difference between achieving and not achieving, even between showing up and not showing up. Motivation comes from within and is something that can be developed. 

But you must work on turning your negative thoughts which can over the years become a habit, a way of thinking, to a positive inner dialogue. If you work on changing these habits by following some simple suggestions motivation will follow.
If you can motivate yourself you will be able to deal with life’s setbacks as well as inspire yourself and others to always find a way forward.
This expert talk explains how you develop your motivation to make it easier to achieve what you want to achieve.

About the Author

Sandy Leong is Director and Head of Training at MyTrainingResources, delivering training on personal development, management development, public speaking and training other trainers, across the UK and abroad. She initially trained as a teacher but left teaching to work in a variety of Training and Development roles, before setting up her own training company over 25 years ago.
Sandy is a published author, writing both books and training materials; and a professional speaker lecturing on many of the large cruise lines and also on land. She is Chair of the Board of Trustees for a large Charity in the town in which she lives.

About the Author

Sandy Leong