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Pediatric Advanced Life Support

Provider Handbook

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Language:  English
This handbook includes PALS procedures through a variety of emergency situations, in-depth analysis of resuscitation tools, ECG and electrical therapy review, Basic Life Support techniques, and more.
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The goal of the PALS health care first aid Course is to improve the quality of care provided to seriously ill or injured children, resulting in improved outcomes. This course uses a series of simulated pediatric emergencies to reinforce the important concepts of a systematic approach to pediatric assessment, first aid, health care, basic life support, PALS treatment algorithms, effective resuscitation, and team dynamics. Our education training material is created maintained by practicing physicians, based on adhering to the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation Standards and Guidelines (2020-2025). PALS health personal care is a series of protocols to guide responses to life-threatening clinical events. These responses are designed to be simple enough to be committed to memory and recalled under moments of stress. This PALS for health care providers let you know about health care law and ethics. PALS ESSENTIALS:

  • Provider who is going to perform PALS is assumed to have maintained and developed competence with not only the materials presented in this handbook but also certain physical skills, including Basic Life Support interventions.
  • PALS is often performed on children and infants, PALS providers should be proficient in BLS for these age groups.
  • PALS algorithms are based on the current understanding of best practices to deliver positive results in life-threatening cases and are intended to achieve the best possible outcome for the child or the infant during an emergency.
  • The individual algorithms included within this app are: Basic Life Support, Advanced Cardiac Life Support, Pediatric Advanced Life Support, Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, AED, and First Aid.

Approximately, every five years, the ILCOR updates the guidelines for PALS. The content contained herein is based on the most recent ILCOR publications on PALS and will periodically compare previous and revised recommendations for a comprehensive review."

  1. Introduction to PALS
  2. The resuscitation team
  3. Basic life support 
    1. BLS for children (1 year to puberty) 
    2. BLS for infants (0 to 12 months) 
    3. Self-assessment for BLS 
  4. Pediatric advanced life support 
    1. Normal heart anatomy and physiology 
    2. A systematic approach 
    3. Initial diagnosis and treatment 
    4. Secondary diagnosis and treatment
    5. Life-threatening issues 
    6. Self-assessment for PALS 
  5. Resuscitation tools 
    1. Medical devices 
    2. Pharmacological tools 
    3. Self-assessment for resuscitation tools 
  6. Respiratory distress/failure 
    1. Recognizing respiratory distress/failure 
    2. Responding to respiratory distress/failure
    3. Self-assessment for respiratory distress/failure
  7. Bradycardia 
    1. Recognizing bradycardia 
    2. Responding to bradycardia 
    3. Self-assessment for bradycardia 
  8. Tachycardia 
    1. Recognizing tachycardia 
    2. Responding to tachycardia 
    3. Self-assessment for tachycardia
  9. Shock 
    1. Recognizing shock 
    2. Responding to shock 
    3. Self-assessment for shock 
  10. Cardiac arrest 
    1. Recognizing cardiac arrest 
    2. Responding to cardiac arrest 
    3. Self-assessment for cardiac arrest 
  11. Post-resuscitation care 
    1. Respiratory system 
    2. Cardiovascular system 
    3. Neurological system
    4. Renal system 
    5. Gastrointestinal system
    6. Hematological system 
    7. Self-assessment for pediatric post resuscitation care 
  12. PALS essentials 
  13. Additional tools 
    1. Medicode 
    2. Certalert+ 
  14. PALS review questions 

Exactly what I was looking for. Gives you what you need for life support practices from a pediatric viewpoint. Would highly recommend!
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National Health Care Provider Solutions