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Professional eBook

Thriving at Work

A Road Map to Increasing your Confidence

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Language:  English
This book is designed to teach you cognitive, emotional, behavioural, social and sustainable self-development tools to progress in your career and pursue the professional path.
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What does it mean to be confident? Why, in spite of our achievements, are we still suffering from an impostor syndrome that doesn’t allow us to move on? This book is designed to help you progress in your career. You will learn cognitive, emotional, behavioural, social and sustainable self-development tools that you can implement repeatedly to pursue your professional path, and finally use the wisdom of your mind to work in your favour instead of against you.

About the Author

Olga is a vocational Psychologist dedicated to supporting others to believe in themselves, eliminating self-doubt and empowering them to own their own voice and needs. After experiencing the consequences of an insecure self-esteem for a long time, the loss of her grandad served as a wake up call to quit her Forestry Engineering degree 5 years in and to start her Psychology Degree instead, working and studying full time and moving to England during the process. Qualified in 2018 and now training to become a Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapist, Olga believes our minds can change our world, and continues empowering others in the journey toward fulfillness.

  • About the author
  • Author’s note
  1. What does “being confident”mean? Confidence Vs Self-esteem
    1. The Psychology of Confidence and Self-belief
  2. Self-esteem & Impostor syndrome
    1. A bit more about self-belief
    2. Low & high self-esteem: characteristics & consequences
    3. Self-doubt: Impostor syndrome
  3. Can self-confidence and self-esteem be developed?
    1. Neuroplasticity
    2. Our thoughts, emotions and behaviour are connected
    3. Behavioural and observational learning
  4. How to increase your confidence at work. Cognitive factors
    1. Our internal critical voices - limiting beliefs
    2. Cognitive restructuring exercises. Reframing unhealthy thoughts
    3. Own your strengths. Reflective exercises
    4. Own your core values
  5. How to increase your confidence. Emotional factors
    1. What is Emotional Intelligence (EI or EQ) and why is it important in the workplace?
    2. Enhance your own emotional intelligence.
    3. Theory & practical exercises
  6. How to increase your confidence. Social factors & social skills
    1. Awareness of your boundaries
    2. Start saying no: reclaim your power of choice.
    3. Practical exercises
    4. Stress factors
    5. Have a support network
  7. How to increase your confidence. Behavioural factors
  8. Sustain your confidence
    1. Cultivate a growth mindset - help yourself to deal with criticism
    2. Tips to keep yourself grounded daily
  9. Final thoughts
  • Appendices
  • Appendix 1: New General Self-efficacy Scale
  • Appendix 2: Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale
  • Appendix 3: Summary of self-esteem types with examples
  • Bibliography